Walk or Die – Friday Fictioneers – 21 March

We come to another Wednesday which to 100 or so hardy souls means it is time to fib. Okay, maybe tell a fantastical tale sounds more respectful, but either way we are spinning a yarn about something our minds concoct based on a photograph chosen specifically by our gracious hostess with the mostess, Rochelle. This week Rochelle pulls double duty giving us the photo for our subject.

copyright -Rochelle Wisoff-Fields

(Genre:Fiction) (100 words)


“It wouldn’t hurt you to walk instead of riding that death trap,” Susan barked. She turned to head for the stairs to their third floor apartment. Jim continued his path into the classic elevator.

“This machine will still be working long after we are both dead and gone.”

He could hear her grumbling as she moved on her way.

“Always trying to ‘help me’”, he said shaking his head.

Eighty seconds later he mounted the last steps to his apartment after surviving the first elevator failure in a half century.

“What are you doing?”

“Taking your advice,” Jim said. 




About Joe Owens

Can you tell from my writing I love God? I hope so because that is what I want you to know most about me. I am also a writer who loves taking on fiction prompts and crafting a story. One day you will read my work in print. Until then enjoy it here! For free!
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18 Responses to Walk or Die – Friday Fictioneers – 21 March

  1. Guess he should have listened to her to begin with 😉

  2. Joe,
    I was waiting for the ironic end, where the stairs collapse as she’s walking up. I like the nostalgia of those pre-safety standards elevators, but I think I’d mostly take the stairs too.

  3. Heh, looks like the wife is always right- atleast for him! Humorous take on the prompt 🙂

  4. Ha-ha, I love it!! Great ending! 😆

  5. Good story. Well done with a touch of humor.

  6. Dear Joe,

    Some people have to learn the hard way, don’t they? Although the stairs in that building weren’t much more promising than the elevator. 😉 Good one.



  7. Phew, at least he survived

  8. Well done Joe I thought there would be a elevator in there somewhere…..

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