WIP It Good Blogfest – My Current Project

20113-the2bwip2bit2bgood2bblogfestThis is my response to DL Hammons of Cruising Altitude 2.0, who came up with a great way to allow us to gain some attention for our current Works In Progress. He suggests the topics I have in bold below so we can show off our project and possibly get some cross exposure and potential Beta readers or critique partners. I have just secured a critique partner recently, but I think all of us would benefit from another set of eyes to catch what we assume is right but just needs another perspective.

The project I highlight is my most complete one. I have two others I expect to dive into between now and year’s end. If I get a chance I will highlight them in another of these show and tell sessions.

WIP Title: The Family Secrets

Word Count (projected/actual so far):  95,000/95,954 (but getting ready to do major re-edit)

Genre: Young Adult Mystery

How long have you been working on it?: two years

Elevator Pitch (if you came across an agent in an elevator ride, what couple of lines would you use to summarize your book): Secret Rock is a place where tourist come to write down their secrets and forget them forever. When Casey Ritter finds the skeleton of a long missing girl she inside the she has no idea what it will do to her new love interest’s family.

Brief Synopsis (250 words or less): Casey Ritter is a promising graduate student in forensics who is just looking for a restful summer vacation. On a visit to her uncle’s lakeside small town she meets a boy that will change her life forever. When Casey visits Secret Rock, the place where secrets go to die, she finds more than she bargains for. The skeletal remains of a missing girl, deception, intrigue and love of a lifetime combine to toss Casey on a roller coaster ride of emotions.

Are you looking for a Critique Partner?: Yes

Are you looking for a Beta Reader?: Possibly

This is a Blog Hop!































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This list will close in 8 days, 4 hrs, 50 min (6/8/2013 7:23 PM North America – Central Standard Time)

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I would like to get your input on whether my pitch and synopsis makes you interested to hear more. Please answer the poll below.

About Joe Owens

Can you tell from my writing I love God? I hope so because that is what I want you to know most about me. I am also a writer who loves taking on fiction prompts and crafting a story. One day you will read my work in print. Until then enjoy it here! For free!
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5 Responses to WIP It Good Blogfest – My Current Project

  1. Pingback: WIP it! WIP it good! | Suddenly they all died. The end.

  2. Pingback: She winds up for the pitch… | Suddenly they all died. The end.

  3. denizb33 says:

    What a neat idea!

  4. DL Hammons says:

    I think your premise has real promise. Not too many YA Mysteries being shown off in this blogfest. Good luck with it! 🙂

  5. Pingback: Spotlights, Finds, WIPs and Extras | Imagineer-ing | Hey Sweetheart, Get Me Rewrite!

So you took time to read what I wrote and I appreciate it, but comments are even better!