Yeah Write 142 Weekly Challenge – Passing the Blessing

The Christmas season is still fresh in everyone’s mind and along with that is the feeling we try to capture this time each year, one of feeling as though we can make a difference in the lives of others. But it really annoys me that it takes a certain time of year for most people to step away from their self-centered focus to look for the opportunity to make a difference in the lives of others.

If you have never read my blog you will need a quick one line primer. I am a Christian, one who believes in helping others not only during the six week holiday season, but every day of the year. How does anyone do that? It takes a conscious effort as well as a personal mantra. It is part of the J.O.Y. Principle that I learned from my Christian mentor while growing up.

In short it is like this: Jesus comes first, Others second and Yourself last. Whoa, wait a minute that flies in the face of the prevailing way of life these days. Most want to get all they can and the heck with everyone else. That is one of the reasons our world is in the shape it is. But I digress.

Just over a year ago and again two weeks ago, I got the chance to travel to a place far from and much different than my home. So far it was necessary to pack a passport and board a large jetliner bound for the Central American country of Belize. Why Belize? Why not? The Holy Bible tells us we are to go unto all countries and spread the word about God and his plan for salvation. Choose your particular favorite place and simply go.

In my case the reason for Belize is the relationships established by those I work with in our missions ministry. I have the blessing of sharing a desire to assist the people of Belize, specifically in villages around the capital city of Belmopan. We had the distinct pleasure of toting Christmas gifts with us to bless the children and the parents in the villages we targeted.

You see many people want to be a part of a Christian outreach during the holiday season. You can reference all the press about Samaritan’s Purse, the organization started by the son of Billy Graham whose shoe box gift program, Operation Christmas Child provides over seven million Christmas gifts to needy children all over the world. This simple gift includes items many of these children might normally not see at Christmastime.

Most everyone has seen the videos of children receiving these gifts and being overjoyed at the contents within. But it is not just about a momentary feeling of gratification for our mission partners. You see being a hero is something that means more to a parent, the one that is with the child every day. I mean who are we, as servants of God, to swoop in and pound our chest as if we have the right to declare our greatness. Everything we have comes as a blessing every day. Being able to pass along a portion of our blessing is not just a suggestion, but should be an obligation.

I am never as blessed as when I do for others. Knowing what God gave to me is being shared with others is a blessing like no other. I invite you to join me in this pursuit and let me know how it makes you feel.


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About Joe Owens

Can you tell from my writing I love God? I hope so because that is what I want you to know most about me. I am also a writer who loves taking on fiction prompts and crafting a story. One day you will read my work in print. Until then enjoy it here! For free!
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1 Response to Yeah Write 142 Weekly Challenge – Passing the Blessing

  1. ranu802 says:

    I like what you wrote. Thank you.

So you took time to read what I wrote and I appreciate it, but comments are even better!