Sunday Stills: Signs of #Autumn

Terri Webster Schrandt continues to hatch some broad-based challenges. This week’s Sunday Stills photo challenge is all about capturing the photos that make us think of Fall.

You never see a scarecrow like this in the Summer, so it must mean that Fall is on the way!

Back when we had the greenhouse business I wore myself out trying to grow Fall Mums that looked this good!

Nothing says Fall like a display of pumpkins.

Unfortunately due to our current extended dry spell our leaves aren’t showing much color before turning loose from their lofty perches.

Football = Fall

These are the things that say Fall to me!

About Joe Owens

Can you tell from my writing I love God? I hope so because that is what I want you to know most about me. I am also a writer who loves taking on fiction prompts and crafting a story. One day you will read my work in print. Until then enjoy it here! For free!
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2 Responses to Sunday Stills: Signs of #Autumn

  1. Lovely, Joe, oh and of course…football!

    • Joe Owens says:

      I have two childhood friends who will end up getting married when they grew up and with children at NC State and Virginia Tech I decided to get season tickets to both. They offered to my wife and I to go to the game the first weekend in September with Old Dominion and we did the whole tailgating experience. It was a beautiful day and a good game.

So you took time to read what I wrote and I appreciate it, but comments are even better!