Trifextra – Week 99 – Three Word Resolution

From Trifecta we received the following instructions for the 99th Trifextra prompt:
Michael Hess inspired us with his three word New Year’s resolution – just be nice.  We’re asking for your own resolutions in just three words.  Make it count; we’ll be checking back in come 2015. – See more at:


Make God first.


For the sake of explanation I try to conduct my Christian life according to the J.O.Y. Principle. Jesus first, Others second and Yourself last. Thus the narrow focus as my three word resolution for 2014.


I want to point you flash fiction writers to another option. It is Flash in the Pan, where you write short fiction 50-150 words respectively to words chosen and posted each week. 250 responses will be collected and published by Redmund Productions. You can check the details at the following link: Flash in the Pan.

About Joe Owens

Can you tell from my writing I love God? I hope so because that is what I want you to know most about me. I am also a writer who loves taking on fiction prompts and crafting a story. One day you will read my work in print. Until then enjoy it here! For free!
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30 Responses to Trifextra – Week 99 – Three Word Resolution

  1. chamblee54 says:

    what if she wants to be first, middle, and last?

  2. Excellent and wise thing to declare & resolve…I almost used that acronym for the DP photo post of this past week that was JOY. Cheers to a wonderful 2014 🙂

  3. Love this! Sounds like the blueprint for a great year.

  4. Happy New Year and all the best for 2014 and your resolution, thanks for sharing! Don’t forget to come back and vote!

  5. Sun says:

    with Him all things are possible. happy 2014, Joe!

  6. Why that i Look at IS GOD IS ALL..
    So no way to make that anything else but NUMBER 1!
    WITHOUT thinking about it…
    i think….

  7. Very powerful. Sounds like you’re ready to create an awesome 2014.

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