Thin the Herd – Friday Fictioneers – 6 December

Welcome back to the addictive fun of Friday Fictioneers! You know the best fiction can be found right here. Led by  Rochelle Wisoff-Fields, we take the photo and weave our magic with prose and poetry to entertain you. All around the world writers eagerly await their weekly tonic. Randy Mazie is the source of the photo for inspiration this week.

copyright – Randy Mazie

(Genre:Fiction) (100 words)


Six people in ragged clothes looked up at the front of their temporary refuge. The leader shook his head before speaking.

“You had one job Hugo. Just one.”

“Hugo no spell. Hugo bash heads,” a hulking giant of a man barked.

“He IS the enforcer,” another said.

“Just cover it with more plywood,” a third replied.

“Zombies can’t spell anyway,” another voice reasoned.

Their leader lowered his head to rest in his hands. A 189 IQ and he landed in a group of knuckleheads who put together might match his intelligence. The next plan was deciding who he sacrificed first. 




About Joe Owens

Can you tell from my writing I love God? I hope so because that is what I want you to know most about me. I am also a writer who loves taking on fiction prompts and crafting a story. One day you will read my work in print. Until then enjoy it here! For free!
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21 Responses to Thin the Herd – Friday Fictioneers – 6 December

  1. brainsnorts says:

    well done. i like the uncertainty of it all, humor in the face of death. in this line, “…knuckleheads who put together might match…” think about commas after “who” and after “together.” it helps set off the compilation from everything else so it reads more smoothly.

  2. annisik51 says:

    The trials of leadership … funny and well-drawn characters. Made me laugh.

  3. Mike says:

    Such a dilemma – who to sacrifice first. That’s what comes of being a leader, having to make difficult choices. If it was me I’d go for Hugo – trespassing with so many s’ – unforgivable!
    An enjoyable read – thanks.

  4. Poor Hugo! Poor leader. A great take on the prompt.

  5. Adam Ickes says:

    This reminds me of the “you had one job” internet meme. Good stuff- the story and the meme.

  6. Reblogged this on Passionate Dreaming and commented:
    made me smile ❤

  7. kz says:

    “Hugo no spell. Hugo bash heads” hahaha loved this. 🙂 thanks for the laugh, great take

  8. I can’t think of anything to add, Joe, but it worked!


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